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Galvanized Steel Raised Garden Bed
Galvanized Steel Raised Garden Bed

The 18-inch-high Galvanized Steel Raised Garden Bed is designed to be strong, long-lasting, and attractive, and it allows one control over both soil and drainage preferences. It's made of corrugated, 18-gauge galvanized steel and is available in these five sizes:2'x 2', 2'x 4', 4'x 4', 2'x 71/2', and 4'x 71/2'.

Estimated Cost Cost range: See below

Limitations Limitations Addressed by Product: Lower extremity, Upper extremity, Strength/endurance, Back

SourceSioux Steel Company
P.O. Box 1265 (1961/2 East 6th Street)
Sioux Falls, SD, 57104
Est. Cost$95-$160, depending on dimensions
Last updated: Sep 29, 2021

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